Our Heaters Are Made In The USA

Radiant Electric Heat – Yoga and Pilates Cove Heater – wall/ceiling mount


The #1 infrared cove heater for hot yoga studios in the world.

  • The highest radiant output of any cove heater, upwards of 425F/218C, delivering sun-like warmth to the occupants in the room!
  • Heats yoga studios to well over 100F/38C
  • Used in over a thousand home and commercial yoga applications worldwide
  • 10-year warranty
  • Made in the USA

How much heat do I need?

Desired temperature / Number of heaters/SF (square foot)

  • Up to 85F/29C = 1 heater/100SF of floor space
  • Up to 90F/32C = 1 heater/75SF of floor space
  • Up to 95F/35C = 1 heater/60SF of floor space
  • Up to 100+F/38C = 1 heater/50SF of floor space

Choose heater:

Choose finish color: *

Choose mounting brackets *

Mounting the cove heaters onto a ceiling takes up no usable space and the surface temperature reaches up to 425F, radiating into the yoga studio and occupants.

Choose (1) thermostat/transformer and heat relays

Ecobee Lite - Wi-Fi - Low Voltage

Ecobee Lite  Wi-Fi Low Voltage Thermostat the perfect pair with a Heating Green heating system for your hot yoga studio.

  • The most cost-effective Wi-Fi low voltage smart thermostat
  • Excellent for yoga studios with up to 32 programs per day
  • 120F/49C maximum temperature setting
  • One thermostat per yoga room/space needed


Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium - Wi-Fi - Low Voltage

Ecobee Smart Thermostat Premium - Wi-Fi - Low Voltage features:

  • voice-enabled smart thermostat with a room sensor
  • great for yoga studios
  • up to 48 programs
  • max temp 120*
  • scheduling - 32 options
  • smartphone/desktop accessible

Transformer - high to low voltage

  • Brings high voltage to power up the low voltage thermostat
  • 24v/40VA transformer, plate mounted
  • Compatible with 120/208/240-volts
  • One transformer needed for one low voltage thermostat

30 Amp Heat Relay

  • For Cove Heaters, add (1) 30-amp heat relay for every (3) heaters in the shopping cart (Example: 5 heat relays for 15 heaters)
  • For Ceramic Ceiling Heaters, add (1) 30-amp heat relay for every (4) heaters in the shopping cart (Example: 5 heat relays for 20 heaters)
  • Relays are controlled by the thermostat, bringing high voltage power to the infrared heaters
  • Power Control Relay, 30-amp DPDT 24Vac/dc. Part #RIB24P30
  • NOTE: Rated for up to a 30-amp circuit
  • TIP: The electrical contractor will determine the circuit size, which is often 20 or 30 amps. Please check before ordering.

20 Amp Heat Relay


  • For Cove Heaters, add (1) 20-amp heat relay for every (2) heaters in the shopping cart (Example: 5 heat relays for 10 heaters)
  • For Ceramic Ceiling Heaters, add (1) 20-amp heat relay for every (3) heaters in the shopping cart (Example: 5 heat relays for 15 heaters)
  • Relays are controlled by the thermostat bringing high voltage to power up the infrared heaters
  • Power Control Relay, 20-amp DPDT 24Vac/dc. Part #RIBT24P
  • NOTE: Rated for up to a 20-amp circuit
  • TIP: The electrical contractor will determine the circuit size, which is often 20 or 30 amps. Please check before ordering.

Infrared Laser Thermometer

Infrared Laser Thermometer features:

  • Low/High Temp Alarm
  • Laser target pointer
  • Auto power off
  • Max/Min/Avg/Dif
  • Offset
  • Backlight
  • (2) AAA batteries included

The versatile Radiant Electric Heat – Yoga Cove Heater is one of our most popular heating options. It can be placed on walls, in coves, or on the ceiling. It’s used for hot yoga studios worldwide. Low cost, no maintenance, and no noise.

  • Black or white finish color 
  • 1,500-watts
  • Dimensions: 46″x15″x1.25″ or 116.84×38.1×3.175cm
  • 208, 240, and 277 volts 
  • Includes a 3′ electrical whip for ease of hard wiring to a junction box
  • Heater reaches its maximum temperature of 425F/171C on the ceiling
  • C UL US (Approved for the US and Canada)
  • Far infrared spectrum (FIR) heater

Frequently Asked Questions


Installation Hardware: 

  • Use toggle bolts that can withstand the weight of the heater
    • Install the heater in the ceiling studs
  • Use lever nuts for connections versus wire nuts 
    • This will ensure the longevity of the connection



  • Ceiling mount heaters: recommended in the middle of the room which will have the best chance to equally heat the room 
    • Heaters can also go over a window to help offset the cold from the window
  • If you have multiple heaters, place the heaters an equal distance apart to ensure equal distribution of heat
  • If you are wall mounting, be sure to leave 6” in between the top of the heater and the ceiling per manufacturer instructions
  • If you have a sloped ceiling (shed, cathedral, etc.) position the heaters horizontally versus vertically. The steep incline is not recommended for installation. 



  • Thermostat should be installed in the “line of sight” of the heater 
  • Out of direct sunlight 
  • On an interior wall 


Please refer to the installation/operation manual

  1. Check to see if your thermostat’s display is visible
  2. If yes, turn the thermostats temperature up so it is on and verify if heat is radiating from the heater
  3. If no, verify the following: 
    1. The dedicated breaker is on
    2. Is there too many electrical appliances on the same circuit? 
  4. If the breaker is on, call and schedule your electrician to identify the following: 
    1. Power to the thermostat
    2. Power to the heater 
    3. Take an Ohm Test 
    4. Make sure that your electrical circuit is the same voltage as the heater and thermostat, i.e. 120 volts.
  5. Is there power to the thermostat and is the thermostat responding when calling for heat? 
    1. The power to the thermostat should be 120/240/208 your electrician can measure this with a multimeter 
    2. Does your thermostat engage when you press buttons? 
    3. If your thermostat does not respond, you will need a replacement thermostat
  6. If your thermostat is receiving power and responding when engaged, have your electrician confirm power to the heater and take an Ohm Test in order to comply with manufacturer warranty requirements. 
    1. Follow this link, for steps to take an Ohm Test 
  7. If the results of the Ohm test show 1 or OL, contact Heating Green for more information on your product’s warranty. 
  8. If the results show a numerical result, the heater does have resistance and there is a disruption with the electrical circuit that is not within the heater. 
    1. Check for shorts on the electrical line, or issues with the breaker. 
    2. Common issues include: 
      1. Shorts on the wire
      2. Overloaded amperage capacity 
      3. Insufficient connections 

Wire nuts are proven to not hold the connections over time and our manufacturer recommends using lever nuts or lever connectors


Radiant Electric Heat - Yoga Cove Heater Specifications:

NOTE: Specifications shown at 240 volt, also available at 120, 208, and 277 volts.

Size Watts Amps BTUs
46x15x1.125″ 1,500 6.3 5,120








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