Line Voltage

Line voltage thermostats are connected directly to your heater, such as a switch with a light. Your thermostat will need the same voltage as your heater such as 240, 208 or 120v. No extra controls are required to use this thermostat with your heater! Line voltage thermostats often cap out at 3600-4000 watts max impacting how many heaters you can fit on each line voltage thermostat.

Manual thermostats are not able to be programmed and have to be physically changed whenever you want the heat to be turned up or down. These thermostats are great for areas that are not occupied very often or just have a need for a simple on and off switch. Check out our manual thermostat line voltage today!

Programmable thermostats are more complicated but have the versatility to be used with a program or manually. These thermostats are great in areas where no one will be present but will need to be heated. We also recommend programmable thermostats for areas like bathrooms where consistently you may need heat by the time you wake up. Nothing better than setting your heat for 6 am and the bathroom is nice and toasty by 7 am with our programmable line voltage thermostat!

Smart thermostats have the ability to connect to Wi-Fi for a better user experience. Smart thermostats often involve online registration and setup along with the wiring your electrician will do. Smart thermostats have the advantage of being able to be controlled remotely by app and this is perfect for the homeowner on the go! The Mysa thermostat is the perfect choice for a line voltage thermostat with Smart capabilities.
Low Voltage

Low voltage thermostats require a different voltage than what is connected to your heater. Your electrical supply may be 240 or 120 volts, but the thermostat will only be getting 24 volts. Low voltage thermostats require additional controls within the wiring to operate correctly.
With a Heating Green infrared system, along with your desired low voltage thermostat at least (1) low voltage transformer and (1) heat relay is required. One of the greatest benefits of low voltage thermostats is that you are only limited to the number of heaters on the system by the number of open circuits on your electrical panel.
The number of relays on the system are dictated by how many heaters you have. Our most popular low voltage thermostat is the Ecobee! The Ecobee provides the most versatility for a low voltage system complete with remote control via the Ecobee app.
If you have any additional questions on which thermostat is best for your Infrared application our Sales or Support team would be happy to assist you!
Written by Samantha Sanow, Customer Service & Fulfillment, Heating Green