Burning Questions of Infrared Heating

Infrared is the answer to many of your heating problems in your home since it can go almost anywhere, but many people have questions about infrared. How it works, what is the best way to use it, and what do they need to know before installing it in your home or yoga studio.

What is Infrared?

Infrared on The Light Specrtrum

Infrared waves are on the electromagnetic spectrum and the human eye cannot detect. Infrared heat is all around you, and is what makes the sun feel warm. Heating Green products use far infrared heat, a subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum, which has been studied for its therapeutic properties. Far infrared waves reach further than shorter wavelengths, meaning you feel the effects from further away. These waves are totally safe and even beneficial for use.

How Does Infrared Heat Work?

A Cutaway of Our Innovative Versa Infrared Heater

Infrared heaters use electricity to radiate a high surface temperature, which warms up everything around it. When you stand near an infrared heater, it feels like sitting in the sun or near a fire. The comfortable heat will warm up your whole body and everything in the room, creating a comfortable environment that is warm to the touch. Infrared is great for people with environmental sensitivities that are often aggravated by forced air heating. Since infrared radiates heat, there is no hot air blowing around that can increase airborne allergens.

What Do You Need To Know Before Installing Infrared Heat? 

Heating Green has an expert sales team that will be able to get you exactly what you need for any application! All you need to know is, your application for the heaters, your on-site voltage, square footage of the space, and unique features that may impact the insulation of the room. All these factors will impact how much heat is needed for your space, and how well your room stays heated.

Check out our “Burning Questions” video for additional questions and answers about infrared heat. 

All Your Burning Questions of Infrared Heat Answered By Our Experts, Sam & Kat

Contact our sales team with any questions about using infrared for your space and they will get you exactly what you need.

Written by Samantha Sanow, Customer Service & Fulfillment, Heating Green

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