Yoga Studio Spotlight: Yoga Habit

Jen Wendowski, Owner of Yoga Habit
Yoga Habit
Jen Wendowski owner of Yoga Habit, top left with a preview of her students practicing in class.
Throughout the years, we have had the privilege of working with hundreds of yoga studios that have helped shape our business and become a part of our story. We want to give back to the yoga community and open up the floor for studios to share their stories with us. To do this we’ve launched a Yoga Studio Spotlight section on our blog. We will select a yoga studio we have worked with and invite the owners to share their story. If you’re interested in having your studio featured please email   In this edition of the Yoga Studio Spotlight, Heating Green asked Jen Wendowski about how Yoga Habit began:
  • Tell us a little about your background in yoga. When did you start and how did you progress to where you are now? To be honest, I never enjoyed yoga very much until I got a little older and could appreciate what it had to offer. I used to Crossfit and loved to work out really hard but then I realized that the older I get, the better I needed to take care of my body so that I feel just as good in 10, 20 and 30 years from now. That’s what got me much more serious about finding a style of yoga that I connected with. I tried out a LOT of different studios until I found a power yoga studio that felt really accessible to me as an athlete. I loved it so much that I got trained in that style and wanted to bring it to the neighborhood in Philly that I live in because there was nothing like it close by.
  • What do you enjoy most about yoga? I love the mental clearing I feel after a great, sweaty yoga class. I work out a lot of energy and leave it all on my yoga mat. It has helped me so much with managing emotion, stress and normal life stuff.
  • What inspired you to start a yoga studio? Philly is a pretty big city with a LOT of yoga studios! Once I found a style of yoga that I connected with, I always had to travel to other neighborhoods in the city to practice at those studios. I kept thinking that someone needs to open a studio here in the big neighborhood that I lived in. After thinking that way for about 2-3 months, I realized that I could be that someone to open it! It was like a light bulb went off.
  • What do you think makes for a good yoga session? For me personally, I love the space that yoga brings to my mind. I prefer no music and only as much talking as needed by the instructor. I want to get lost in my breath and body as much as possible so that my thoughts are no where else but right here.
  • Your studio obviously offers hot yoga. What are some of the benefits to practicing yoga in a hot environment? I love the way my body feels after a sweaty yoga sesh. I feel relaxed and cleared out physically AND mentally. The heat adds an extra layer of intensity that focuses my attention and challenges me to relax in it.
  • What advice would you give to prospective students who are on the fence about trying yoga or making the switch to hot yoga? Try as many styles as you can to know what is available until you find something that you really like. Give it time. You can’t judge a yoga class after just 1 visit. Try it 10 times at least! If you’re thinking about trying hot yoga, give it a go! You might love it or hate it and either way is fine.
  • What are some characteristics you look for in a studio? Clean and super welcoming. I want to be treated like I’m a friend the instant I walk into your studio.
  • How did you go about designing your space? My goal was to make my studio as welcoming, warm and inviting as possible while keeping it super simple. We are in an old industrial building so there is an industrial element to it with a lot of wood and natural light. I wanted people to feel like it was a space they could be very comfortable in.
  • What were some of the biggest challenges you faced with your studio? How did you overcome them? My biggest challenge was the amount of time it took to rehab the warehouse that I had signed a lease in. It took almost 2 years to complete! This was definitely not my plan and there were many frustrating moments but I knew that the end result would be awesome so I was committed to sticking with my lease. I’m so glad I did. Instead of just sitting around while the renovations took place, I hosted many outdoor yoga classes and started to build up a following. By the time my studio doors opened, we had full classes because everyone was so excited about it!
  • If you had to start over would you make any changes? I don’t think I would. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I learn as I go and fortunately there hasn’t been anything major that I would change.
  • What has been the most rewarding part about the experience? Seeing people fill my space with a lot of laughter and connection. People are meeting and community is building. That’s what lights me up!
  • What are your goals for the future of the studio? My goals are that it is thriving and full of happy people! I intend to host training and make it a space for growth within our yoga practice and personal development.
  • Is there anything else you would like to share? I love my heating green panels!! Everyone comments at how clean the air feels. It’s not overwhelming and they can breath. I’m grateful I found your company!
Visit Yoga Habit’s website or contact them at 215.896.4669 to learn more. To see how Heating Green heats hot yoga, visit our yoga heating page.
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