Apollo Small Planter


Apollo Side Table – The perfect accent piece for a small house plant, or to rotate smaller potted plants through! Your garden just got cuter. Apollo Side Table is made with the same lightweight, and durable cast-stone as the rest of the Apollo line including our side table, coffee table, Lounge, and Chair.

  • All-season cast stone surface
  • Please note that this is not heated furniture

Apollo Side Table is the perfect accent piece for a small house plant, or to rotate smaller potted plants through!

This planter is the smallest of the three Apollo planters we offer.

Unheated. Made by hand in the Philippines factory.







1) Using warm water and a non-abrasive cloth or towel, gently wipe the surface of your chair once every few weeks to remove surface oils and visible dirt or bird-droppings. At most, a mild dish soap (Dawn) diluted in warm water should work on problem areas.


Best Practices:

  • If leaving furniture unattended for months at a time, carefully move indoors, or cover with waterproof tarp, being careful to gather edges using a bungee cord around the legs of furniture.
  • Check drainage holes regularly for blockage to ensure efficient drainage between cleanings.
  • Resealing kits available for a small fee (to cover shipping) by request. Simply email support@heatinggreen.com
  • Durable, weather-resistant covers for your heated furniture are now available from Couverture. They have custom patterns for all the Galanter & Jones furniture on file and are all made to order.*Request a quote for custom covers by clicking the link below to fill out their quote request form. Be sure to mention Galanter & Jones and the model of your furniture (ex. "Galanter & Jones Evia Lounge") in your request, and they will manage the order process with you. Request a quote from Couverture*Covers are made to order, and only purchased directly from Couverture. They will also handle the shipping and delivery of your cover order.


Galanter & Jones offers a three-year limited warranty for residential use and a one-year limited warranty for commercial use of our products, which goes into effect upon the date of product delivery. The warranty applies only to products that have been handled, installed, and maintained in accordance with the guidelines recommended by Galanter & Jones.

For complete details, and for warranty exceptions, please read our full warranty page carefully.

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