Heating Green Recommended by Pros


Heating Green is Recommended by ProfessionalsOur Reviews and Feedback:

Heating Green has a reputation of providing quality products and amazing service, but don’t take our word for it. Over the years, Heating Green has received a multitude of positive feedback.Here is a collection of reviews we’ve earned from professionals such as designers and builders.

Jennifer Ryan Design

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“Jeff Caldwell, owner of Heating Green was able to solve some heating issues in a basement media room remodel I worked on. Adding runs to the existing furnace would have taxed the heater. The floors and partial walls are concrete and space was already limited.

There was no room to adjust for the vents and return air needed. Jeff suggested radiant heat panels on the ceiling with its own programmable thermostat. They worked so well, we also added another one to the computer nook also in the basement.

When remaking an old garage into a teenage game room we ran up against no heat at all in the space as the garage was originally built detached from the house.


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The ceilings are high in this space so we installed “cove” radiant heaters about 3/4 of the way up the walls. Again, the perfect solution.
As we talked about a covered outdoor living space, it was a natural to have Heating Green install outdoor deck and patio heaters. Two in the outdoor “living room” and 2 in the “dining” area. Now it is cozy outside no matter what the weather!


I highly recommend Heating Green. They are very knowledgeable and able to solve a multitude of heat dilemmas, the heating systems are cost effective, and customer service second to none.”


Amber Mills, CB Premier Construction LLC

“CB Premier Construction LLC has worked with Heating Green on a couple of different projects now. Jeff is great to work with and the products that have been recommended for our clients have worked out perfectly. We look forward to working with them on many projects in the future!”

Jim Kuzzy, Plekkenpol Builders

“What our clients liked especially was the fact they extend the usable seasons from five to six months to more like eight or nine since the heaters were effective in taking off the early morning and late evening chill.” Hear the rest of Jim’s testimony in this video below:

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Pete Powless, Lummi Nation Housing Authority

“Working with Heating Green has been a real joy and they’ve been on time and on schedule. Any problems we’ve had they’ve taken care of it. As far as I’m concerned as a housing project manager I’m pretty happy with this product.” Hear the rest of Pete’s testimony in the video below:

Douglas Landsem Architect AIA

“When Jeff showed us the radiant panels we thought, well this is perfect.” Hear the rest of Douglas’s testimony in the video below:


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But wait, there’s more! See what all of our customers are saying here.

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