Our Heaters Are Made In The USA

A Collection Of Some Of Our Infrared Hot Yoga Studio Partners

Are you tired of traditional hot yoga studios that use energy-consuming heating systems, produce excessive waste, and don’t provide needed health benefits? Look no further than Heating Green, a company dedicated to providing sustainable heating solutions for various industries, including hot yoga studios. In this blog post, we will be featuring some of our favorite hot yoga partners who have successfully incorporated Heating Green’s infrared heating technology into their hot yoga studios, creating a more energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and healthy practice space for yogis. Get ready to be inspired by these studios’ commitment to sustainability and their dedication to providing a comfortable and safe environment for their clients.

Check out the list below, in no particular order to see some of favorite yoga studios!

  1. Sweet Tea Yoga – Peachtree City, GA. Website: https://www.sweetteayoga.com/
  2. Prana Yoga Holly Springs – Holly Springs, NC. Website: https://www.prana-yogahollysprings.com/
  3. Honest Soul Yoga – Multiple Locations. Website: https://www.honestsoulyoga.com/
  4. OBX Hot Yoga – Nags Head, NC. Website: https://www.obxhotyogastudio.com/
  5. Sonder Whole Fitness – Owings, MD. Website: https://www.sonderwholefitness.com/
  6. One Tree Yoga – Omaha, NE. Website: https://onetreeyoga.com/
  7. Sweat 219 – Crown Point, IN. Website: https://sweat219.com/
  8. Inspire Yoga – Multiple Locations. Website: https://inspireyoga.com/
  9. Yoga 2 Gather – Bellaire, TX. Website: https://yoga2gather.com/
  10. Skye River Yoga – Hudson, NY. Website: https://www.skyeriveryoga.com/
  11. The Studio Greenwich – Greenwich, CT. Website: https://www.thestudiogreenwich.com/
  12. Roll Out Yoga – Spring, TX. Website: https://www.rolloutyogatx.com/
  13. Studio One Yoga – Multiple Locations. Website: http://www.studiooneyoga.com/
  14. Life Moves Yoga – Harker Heights, TX. Website: https://lifemovesyoga.com/
  15. The Forted Lands – Redlands, CA. Website: https://thefortredlands.com/
  16. Hot Yoga Helena – Helena, MT. Website: https://hotyogahelena.com/
  17. ELXR Yoga Lounge – Fayetteville, AR. Website: https://www.elxryogalounge.com/
  18. Studio Sweat Hot Yoga – Baker City, OR. Website: https://studiosweathotyoga.com/
  19. Center For Yoga LA – Los Angeles, CA. Website: https://centerforyogala.com/
  20. Flo N Go Yoga – Edmonton, AB. Website: https://www.flongloyoga.com/
  21. Hot Yoga Burlington Vermont – Burlington, VT. Website: https://www.hotyogaburlingtonvt.com/
  22. Satori Yoga – Rising Sun, MD. Website: https://satoriyogawithadonia.wordpress.com/
  23. E8 Yoga – Longmont, CO. Website: https://e8yoga.com/
  24. Yoga Landing – Chattanooga, TN. Website: https://www.yogalanding.net/
  25. Karma Fitness Studio – Frisco, TX. Website: https://www.karmafitnessstudio.com/
  26. Roam Wellness – Hamilton, MT. Website: https://roamwellness.com/
  27. Anahata Yoga Center – Mason, OH. Website: https://yogacincy.com/
  28. Advanced Training Fitness and Yoga – Winchester, OH. Website: https://advanced1on1training.com/
  29. Let It Be Yoga – Albuquerque, NM. Website: https://www.letitbeyoganm.com/
  30. Hot 11 Yoga – Rocky Hill, CT. Website: https://www.hot11yoga.com/
  31. Sozo Yoga – Fayetteville, GA. Website: https://www.sozoyoga.com/
  32. Nirvana Yoga – Easthampton, MA. Website: https://www.lovenirvanayoga.com/
  33. Sanara Wellness – South Lake, TX. Website: https://www.sanarawellness.com/
  34. Yoga Del Soul – Toms River, NJ. Website: https://www.yogadelsoulnj.com/
  35. Cocoa Yoga Cafe – North Port, FL. Website: https://www.cocoayogacafe.com/
  36. Swell Yoga – Half Moon Bay, CA. Website: https://swellyogastudio.com/
  37. Cloud Break Yoga – Sausalito, CA. Website: https://www.cloudbreak-yoga.com/
  38. The Yoga Projekt – Peoria, IL. Website: https://yogaprojekt.com/
  39. SOL Yoga Studio – Marietta, GA. Website: https://solyogawestcobb.com
  40. Surrender Hot Yoga – Las Lunas, NM. Website:L https://surrenderhotyoga.com/
  41. Sol Health Yoga – Puyallup, Wa. Website: https://www.solhealthyoga.com/
  42. Balanced Life Studio – Beckley WV. Website: https://www.myhealthybalancedlife.com/
  43. Bumble Bee Yoga – Fort Worth, TX. Website: https://www.bumblebeeyoga.co/
  44. Unwind Yoga – Albuquerque, NM. Website: https://www.unwind.yoga/
  45. Foundations Island Yoga – Stevensville, MD. Website: https://foundationsislandyoga.com/
  46. Titanium Yoga – Pointe Vedra Beach, FL. Website: https://www.titaniumyoga.com/
  47. Yoga Mix – Neptune Beach, FL. Website: https://www.yoga-mix.com/
  48. Get Hot Yoga Studio – Bonney Lake, WA. Website: https://www.gethotyogastudio.com/
  49. Noble Yoga Studio – Vernon, BC. Website: https://www.nobleyoga.studio/
  50. Aspire Yoga Center – Bossier City, LA. Website: https://www.aspireyogacenter.com/
  51. Vidya Yoga And Fitness – Multiple Locations. Website: https://vidyayogaandfitness.com/
  52. Fly Yoga Studio – St. Louis, MO. Website: https://www.flyyogastl.com/
  53. Hollywood Market Yoga – Boise, ID. Website: https://hmyboise.com/
  54. Aya Yoga Oasis – Burien, WA. Website: https://www.ayayogaoasis.com/
  55. Rainbow Yoga Studio – Chillicothe, OH. Website: https://rainbowyogastudio.com/
  56. Studio 43 Sweat + Soul – Alexandria, KY. Website: https://studio43sweatandsoul.com/
  57. Thrive Yoga Studios – Multiple Locations. Website: http://thriveyogastudios.com/
  58. Casa Vinyasa – Miami, FL. Website: https://casavinyasamiami.com/

In conclusion, Heating Green has been working tirelessly to provide eco-friendly, energy-efficient, and healthy heating solutions to businesses and homes alike. We’re thrilled to have partnered with some of the best infrared hot yoga studios in the industry who share our passion for sustainability and wellness. By using our infrared heating technology, these studios are able to create a comfortable and invigorating space for their clients while minimizing their carbon footprint. Don’t see a studio near you on the list? Check out our Yoga and wellness projects map linked below for a full comprehensive list of every studio with our innovative infrared.

Click Here For Heating Green Wellness Projects Map

Written by Jacques LeBlanc, Marketing Director, Heating Green

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