Our Heaters Are Made In The USA

RE Sources for Sustainable Communities updates its heating system.

  The first time we set foot on the roof of Bellingham Washington’s iconic RE Store to take a look at the building’s heating system it was no surprise it wasn’t working. Old rusty ducting held together by tape littered the flat rooftop where pools of water from winter rainstorms had accumulated.   As RE Store director Kurt Gisclair put it, the archaic heating system was pumping heat out into Whatcom County instead of the building. To solve this issue, Kurt and the RE Store turned to Heating Green for a more energy-efficient and economical solution to heating the building.   We suggested a combination of heating panels and cove heaters for the store and the employee offices and work spaces. These heaters can be zone-controlled meaning there is a thermostat in each room, which allows employees to adjust the temperature of their own space to their preference. Not surprisingly, this system has proven to work much better than the old rooftop one, which was designed to pump heat into the entire building even when certain rooms were not in use.   We would like to send a huge thank you to Kurt and the RE Store staff for allowing us to shoot some photos and video in their space and giving us this great testimonial. We look forward to working with them for years to come!
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